Research School EEF Programmes


Improving outcomes for disadvantaged pupils in Essex through evidence- informed professional development

We are excited to launch a regional partnership between the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), Essex County Council, Alpha, Saffron and Chafford Hundred Teaching School Hubs and Unity and East London Research Schools.

This collaboration aims to co-ordinate and cohere the school improvement offer across the county, improve pupil outcomes in Essex - particularly for the most disadvantaged - and further embed a culture of evidence use in schools. Through funding from the EEF, schools in Essex will be able to access subsidised training that is high-quality, evidence-informed and tailored to local needs.

What does the partnership involve?

Across the academic year 2023-24, 6 cohorts of training will be available to Essex teachers and leaders, co-delivered by the Research Schools Network and local Teaching School Hubs. These training programmes will explore the evidence base and review best practice within 3 thematic evidence strands:

The Chafford Hundred Teaching School Hub is delighted to be working in collaboration with the East London Research School, led by Dr. Julian Grenier to co-deliver three of these programmes: Language and Communication Early Years & KS1, Curriculum and Metacognition.  

Please visit the East London Research School website for more information:

Together we support the Essex Local Authority Disadvantage Strategy through carefully targetted training programmes as recommended in Marc Rowland's book "Addressing Educational Disadvantage in Schools and Colleges the Essex Way".

The Essex Way

If you are interested in other evidence-informed training programmes in partnership with the East London Research School, please register your interest by clicking below:

Register your interest in other evidence-informed training programmes

For more information email Martha Lopez, Teaching School Hub Administrator:

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